Let’s throw the R away

It’s time for us to take the R out of RIAS, time to remove the ‘Royal’ from the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, and for that matter the Royal Institute of British Architects.

Royalty is the pinnacle of a system of inherited privilege and inequality that impedes a progressive society. It is an outdated and regressive social institution that holds us back from becoming a fairer, more equitable and happier nation. And Architecture must be a progressive force in society.

Ours is the sixth richest country in the world, yet children go hungry and people die because they can’t heat their homes. Yesterday at the SEDA conference, I sat in a powerful presentation on the human cost of fuel poverty by Kate Cunningham of Energy Action Scotland. She laid out very clearly the human health price of inequality currently being delivered through our homes; a price being paid in premature deaths and impaired life chances by the most vulnerable in our society. While kings ride in gilded carriages and banquet in palaces.

The price of palaces is paid in poverty. 10% of households own 45% of Scotland’s wealth, while 10% have no or negative wealth.

Statistically, inequality correlates to unhappiness. The happiest countries are the most equal. We only need look across sea to see good examples among our neighbours in Denmark and Iceland.

Having royalty as our head of state is the symbol of a regressive cultural power system that is inherently sexist, ageist, racist and sectarian. (how does a wise and talented young black hindu woman become head of state in the U.K.?) One that hands out medals celebrating the British Empire, as if this is a great honour not thing of great shame.

Having Royal in our professional body’s name publicly endorses inequality.

It privileges private wealth over public poverty.

Places patronage over empowerment.

Status over ability

Power and wealth over need

Patriarchy over diversity

Our RIAS motto reads ‘direct the work of your hands’. Let’s do that.

Let’s throw an outdated legacy away

And stand for everybody, not the few

For progress not privilege

Let’s place diversity and equality at the heart of our architectural vision for Scotland.

Let’s throw the R away.


Reflections in Ireland


Time for Change